Managing allergies with vegan food

Out of the 14 allergens, eggs, fish, milk, crustaceans and molluscs are animal-based and you may not therefore expect to find them in vegan foods. However, as it currently stands, food regulations in the UK do not demand food manufacturers to ensure any foods labelled as vegan are completely free from traces of animal proteins. There are disagreements in the industry around whether vegan foods should be allowed to contain traces of animal protein from unintentional sources, as long as ‘May contain’ statements are present. So how can food businesses manage allergies safely when it comes to vegan food?

For food businesses, it’s crucial to understand that the terms ‘vegan’ or ‘plant-based’ do not equate to being allergen-free. A common misconception is that vegan dishes are inherently free from allergens. However, vegan dishes can still contain allergens like nuts, soy, or gluten. Moreover, cross-contamination during food preparation can lead to the presence of animal products or proteins.

Allergens and cross-contamination

The first step in allergen management is understanding the ingredients used in vegan dishes. Food businesses should conduct thorough checks to identify potential allergens and understand the sources of their ingredients. This involves working closely with suppliers to ensure transparency and accuracy in ingredient labelling.

Cross-contamination is a significant concern, particularly in kitchens that prepare both vegan and non-vegan dishes. Implementing strict separation protocols can help mitigate this risk. This includes using separate utensils, cutting boards, and preparation areas for vegan dishes. Additionally, rigorous cleaning procedures should be in place to ensure that equipment and surfaces are free from animal products and proteins.

Team training

Knowledgeable staff are a critical component in allergen management. Regular training sessions should be conducted to educate staff about the different types of allergens, the risks associated with cross-contamination, and the proper handling of vegan dishes. Staff should also be trained to effectively communicate allergen information to customers.

Training should begin with raising awareness about the seriousness of food allergies and intolerances. Staff should understand that even a small amount of an allergen can cause severe reactions for some customers. Share real-life scenarios or experiences of individuals with food allergies. This approach helps staff to empathise by putting themselves in the customers’ shoes and understanding the anxiety and risks associated with dining out.

Menus should provide detailed information about the ingredients in each dish, including the presence of any of the 14 allergens. Staff should also be prepared to answer questions from customers regarding allergens and the preparation of vegan dishes.

Train your staff to actively listen and attentively respond to customers’ concerns. This involves acknowledging the customer’s needs, asking clarifying questions, and reassuring them that their requirements are understood and will be taken seriously. Ensure that staff can provide clear and accurate information about the ingredients in each dish. They should be comfortable discussing how the food is prepared and able to suggest alternatives if necessary.

The more knowledgeable employees are about the menu and food preparation processes, the more confidently and patiently they can handle allergen requests. Regular training sessions should include updates on menu changes, food preparation methods, and cross-contamination prevention practices.

For support with training your team in allergen awareness and management, take a look at our Level 2 and Level 3 courses to build confidence and awareness in your team.

Reviews and audits

Regular reviews and audits of allergen management practices are essential. This helps in identifying any gaps in the process and implementing corrective measures. Audits can include checking the effectiveness of cross-contamination protocols and reviewing staff training programs.

Transparency is key in allergen management. Food businesses need to be upfront about the potential risks of cross-contamination and the presence of allergens in vegan dishes. This not only builds trust with customers but also helps in making informed choices.

As the demand for vegan dishes continues to grow in the UK, so does the responsibility of food businesses in managing allergens safely. By understanding the ingredients, training staff, implementing cross-contamination protocols, communicating clearly with customers, and conducting regular reviews, food businesses can effectively manage allergens in vegan dishes. Remember, the vegan label is not a guarantee of an allergen-free product.

Food safety and hygiene in hotel buffets

As outlined by the Food Standards Agency, buffets can present challenges in terms of temperature control, cross-contamination, and allergen management. To mitigate these risks, hotels must implement a comprehensive food safety management system that includes regular staff training, clear standard operating procedures, and robust monitoring and record-keeping protocols. This should also include measures such as regularly checking and maintaining food storage and display equipment, providing allergen information for all dishes, and ensuring that all food is properly cooked, stored, and labelled.

Hotels should consider implementing additional measures to address the specific challenges of buffet service, such as monitoring food temperatures regularly and replenishing dishes regularly to avoid prolonged exposure to ambient temperatures. When we look at the specific risks hotel buffets can present in regards to food safety, there are also possible mitigations for these risks:


Hotel buffets often have shared serving utensils and dishes, which can lead to cross-contamination between different foods – especially from high risk to lower risk foods. For example, if a guest uses the same utensil to serve both chicken and vegetables, it could potentially contaminate the vegetables with harmful bacteria. If the chicken has not been properly prepared, then any danger presented by harmful bacteria will be more widely spread.

Hotels can implement separate utensils and serving tools for different dishes, especially for allergen-free options or to accommodate other dietary requirements. They can also provide clear labels for all dishes and ensure staff are trained on proper handling and cleaning techniques.

Temperature control

Buffet food must be kept at the correct temperature to prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause food-borne illnesses. Hot food at buffets must be kept at 63℃ or above. If this is not possible, you can remove food from hot holding and display it for up to two hours, but only once. Food not used within two hours should be reheated until steaming hot and returned to hot holding, or chilled as quickly as possible to 8°C or below. Throw it away if it has been out for more than two hours. Remember not to mix new food with food already on display if you take food out of hot holding to display it. This could result in older food being left out for an extended period.

When displaying cold food, such as on a buffet, use suitable chilled display equipment to keep it at 8°C or below. If this is not possible, food can be displayed out of chilled storage for up to four hours, but only once. Check the temperature of the food regularly and make sure you know how long it has been on display or kept out. Food that has not been consumed within four hours can be returned to the refrigerator and kept at 8°C or lower until it is consumed. It should be thrown away if it has been out for more than four hours. If the food is not stored at the correct temperature or is left out for too long, it can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Hotels can use hot holding equipment that maintains food temperature at 63℃ or above, or chilled display equipment to keep food at 8℃ or below to ensure that food is kept at the correct temperatures. They can also regularly monitor the temperature of the buffet and the food items, and discard any items that have been left out for over 2 hours for hot food, and 4 hours for chilled food.

Staff hygiene

The hygiene of the staff preparing and serving the food is also critical. They must follow proper hand washing protocols to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses, with designated hand washing areas and sinks.

Hotels should ensure that staff are properly trained on safe food handling techniques and that they wear gloves where appropriate and hairnets and beardnets when handling food. They can also regularly check the hygiene of the staff and encourage them to wash their hands frequently.

Allergen control

Buffets can also pose a risk to guests with food allergies. If a guest accidentally consumes an allergen due to cross-contamination or improper labelling, it could result in a severe allergic reaction.

Hotels can provide separate serving tools, dishes and utensils for allergen-free options. They can also ensure that all dishes are properly labelled with any allergens present and that staff are trained on how to handle allergen requests and questions. Additionally, they can consider offering pre-packaged options for guests with severe allergies.

At The Safer Food Group, we work closely with hospitality businesses to help them develop the skills they require to design and implement robust food safety management systems that meet legal requirements and industry best practices. With the right systems in place, hotels can provide their guests with a safe and enjoyable dining experience while protecting their reputation and ensuring compliance with food safety regulations.

A gluten-free Christmas: Understanding and Catering for Coeliac Disease

Image shows colourful chopped vegetables on a chopping board, including red chillies, green spring onions and white leeks, alongside a chef's knife
Max Saeling on UnSplash

Following a discussion on This Morning on Tuesday, the topic of catering for individuals with coeliac disease during the festive season has gained significant attention – and not all for the right reasons. Whether you’re cooking for your loved ones at Christmas, or working in a professional setting, catering for those with dietary requirements is such an important aspect of food safety and, when handled properly, can be done with little impact on the food you serve this festive season.

What is Coeliac Disease?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition triggered by the consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Unlike food allergies, coeliac disease can cause severe long-term damage to the digestive system. Even trace amounts of gluten can provoke an autoimmune response, making strict dietary adherence essential. Understanding this distinction is key to catering for those with coeliac disease during Christmas.

The high level of gluten in processed foods poses a significant challenge. Gluten is found in wheat, rye and barley, with wheat flour being commonly used in food production. Wheat flour is not just in bread, pasta, and pastries but is also used as a thickening agent in sauces and a coating in processed snacks. When planning a gluten-free Christmas menu, it’s vital to check ingredients for hidden gluten sources – it should be highlighted as an allergen in the ingredient list.

Cross-contamination with gluten

Cross-contamination in domestic kitchens can easily occur when gluten-free foods come into contact with gluten-containing foods. This can happen through shared utensils, cutting boards, or even toasters and air fryers. Understanding and preventing cross-contamination is crucial in a gluten-free kitchen.

If a guest has asked you to keep your house free from gluten, they are likely concerned about the effects of consuming even small traces of gluten. That is not to say that they think you have poor hygiene standards – cross-contamination happens more than you imagine in most domestic kitchens.

When baking or cooking in the oven, place gluten-free items on the top shelf to prevent crumbs or particles from gluten-containing foods above from contaminating them. Deep-fat fryers previously used for gluten-containing foods should be avoided, as they can be a significant source of cross-contamination.

Catering for a gluten-free Christmas

Creating a gluten-free festive menu doesn’t mean compromising on tradition or taste. When planning your festive menu, start with fresh, whole foods like meats, vegetables, and fruits, which are naturally gluten-free. Traditional roasts, such as turkey or ham, are excellent choices for the main course. Be cautious with processed foods; hidden gluten is often found in sauces, dressings, and seasonings. Reading labels is crucial, as gluten can lurk in unexpected places.

For stuffing, explore alternatives like quinoa, rice, or gluten-free bread, enhancing them with herbs, chestnuts, and gluten-free sausage meat for flavour. Gravy can be thickened with cornflour or a gluten-free flour blend instead of regular flour. Desserts don’t need to be a challenge either; gluten-free flour can be used in your pudding and pies, and many supermarkets offer gluten-free mince pies and Christmas pudding options.

Serving a gluten-free Christmas dinner is as much about the presentation and communication as it is about the cooking. For starters, consider options like stuffed mushrooms or the classic prawn cocktail. When it comes to the cheese board, traditional crackers can be replaced with gluten-free alternatives, cucumber slices, apple wedges, or gluten-free crispbreads.

Most beverages are gluten-free, with the exception of beer which is usually brewed with wheat, but it’s always good to double-check, especially with flavoured spirits or pre-made cocktails. Importantly, communicate with your guests about the gluten-free options available, and don’t hesitate to ask them directly about their dietary needs and preferences.

For those looking to deepen their understanding of coeliac disease and gluten-free catering, resources such as Coeliac UK provide invaluable information. Additionally, we offer comprehensive courses on food allergies and intolerances, equipping you with the knowledge to cater safely and confidently.

Cross-contamination: How to avoid it in food preparation and handling

Image shows chopping board, full of chopped vegetables including red peppers, green spring onions and leeks, and a large chefs knife
Photo by Max Saeling on Unsplash

Understanding and implementing proper food safety practices is key to safeguarding both your customers’ well-being and your business’ reputation. A crucial aspect of this is preventing cross-contamination, a widespread risk that can lead to serious health issues and legal complications. Here, we will explore what cross-contamination is, the various types of contaminants, the associated risks, and, most importantly, how to prevent it.

What is food cross-contamination?

Cross-contamination occurs when biological, physical, chemical, or allergenic contaminants transfer from one source to another, posing significant health and safety risks, especially in businesses involved in the storage and preparation of food.

Types of contamination

Biological contamination

Biological contamination involves the presence of harmful microorganisms that can compromise food safety and human health. The main types include:


Bacteria are microscopic organisms that can lead to food poisoning. Common sources of contamination include undercooked food, improperly cooked raw meat, unpasteurized milk, and inadequate fruit and vegetable preparation. For example, salmonella bacteria, residing in the intestinal tract of animals, can contaminate meat when the animal is infected.


Viruses in food can cause diseases, often resulting from undercooked seafood or contaminated raw produce. Viruses may also be introduced by infected food handlers. As an example, Hepatitis A is an example of a virus that can contaminate food, if the food handler is already infected.


Parasites can enter the food supply through various means. Some parasites come from the soil, contaminating fresh produce, while others, like tapeworms, are transmitted through direct contact with animals and food. One example is soil-borne parasites, which can contaminate fresh produce, posing a risk to consumers.


Prions are infectious agents formed from misfolded proteins. They pose a high risk of neurodegenerative diseases if contracted. A well-known example is ‘mad cow disease,’ which originated in cattle and transferred to humans through contaminated meat.

Physical contamination

Physical contamination occurs when foreign objects inadvertently enter food, posing potential harm to consumers. Common sources and examples include:

  • Packaging materials: Pieces of plastic, glass, or metal from packaging processes
  • Equipment parts: Breakage or wear and tear of equipment used in food processing
  • Foreign objects: Insects, hair, or other extraneous matter that may find its way into food during handling

Physical contamination can present choking hazards and other serious health risks.

Chemical contamination

Chemical contamination involves the presence of harmful chemicals or toxins in food, whether natural or artificial. Common sources and examples include:

  • Pesticides: Transfer from the soil where food is grown or during the manufacturing process
  • Cleaning products: Residues from improperly cleaned surfaces and utensils
  • Food additives: Improper use or contamination during the manufacturing process

Chemical contamination can lead to poisoning, and its effects can be severe and challenging to treat.

Allergenic contamination

Allergenic contamination occurs when allergens find their way into foods that shouldn’t contain them. The most common allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish. For those with allergies, even tiny traces of these allergens can lead to adverse reactions. The most common sources of allergenic contamination include:

  • Shared equipment and surfaces when not adequately cleaned between uses
  • Improper storage practices where allergens are stored near items they shouldn’t come into contact with, leading to cross-contamination
  • Insufficient handwashing and cleaning practices, which can lead to cross-contamination after handling allergenic ingredients into dishes which should be allergen-free
  • Using the same cooking methods, for example, using the same cooking oil for gluten-free chips that has been used for battered fish

Food businesses should take every precaution to avoid cross-contamination in food preparation and handling to protect customers with food allergies. There are several ways to prevent cross-contamination with allergens, including:

  • cleaning utensils before each usage, especially if they were used to prepare meals containing allergens
  • washing hands thoroughly between preparing dishes with and without certain allergens
  • storing ingredients and prepared foods separately in closed and labelled containers
  • keeping ingredients that contain allergens separate from other ingredients

If you can’t avoid cross-contamination in food preparation, you need to inform customers that you’re unable to provide an allergen-free dish.

Understanding these types of contamination is the first step in creating effective prevention strategies. Food handlers must be vigilant to ensure the safety and well-being of consumers by addressing each contamination type appropriately.

Where cross-contamination can occur

Food-to-food contamination

Contamination between food items is a recurring risk, particularly when handling raw and ready-to-eat foods in close proximity. This occurs when harmful microorganisms are transferred from one food item to another, often through contact between raw and cooked foods, where juices from raw meat come into contact with ready-to-eat items. Shared utensils can also be a common cause when food handlers use the same chopping board or utensils for both raw and cooked foods.

Person-to-food contamination

Food handlers, while crucial in preventing contamination, can inadvertently become sources if proper hygiene practices are neglected. Common scenarios include inadequate handwashing, leading to the transfer of bacteria and viruses from the food handler to the food, as well as when food handlers are working while ill. This can lead to the introduction of harmful microorganisms into the food, especially in the case of viruses.

Object or surface to food contamination

Surfaces and objects in a food preparation environment can serve as breeding grounds for contaminants, posing a risk when they come into contact with food. Untidy workspaces can lead to the accumulation of contaminants on countertops, chopping boards, and equipment. Inadequate cleaning can also be a cause when not thoroughly sanitising surfaces after handling raw meat or other potentially contaminated items.

Food serving

Serving food to consumers introduces its own set of potential contamination risks. Using the same serving utensils for different dishes can transfer contaminants, as can failing to adequately sanitise surfaces between servings.

Cleaning processes

While cleaning is pivotal for maintaining hygiene, improper cleaning processes can inadvertently lead to contamination. The use of cleaning agents that are not food-safe may introduce chemicals into the food preparation area. Furthermore, if surfaces and utensils are not sufficiently rinsed after using cleaning products, they can leave a residue, contributing to contamination.

The risks of cross-contamination in food

Foodborne illnesses

One of the most immediate and common risks of cross-contamination is foodborne illnesses. When harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or prions are transferred from contaminated sources to food, consumers are at risk of developing illnesses. Common symptoms of foodborne illnesses include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and, in severe cases, hospitalisation.

Legal consequences

Failing to prevent cross-contamination can have serious legal implications for food businesses. Adherence to food safety standards and regulations is not only a moral obligation but a legal requirement. If a business is found negligent in preventing cross-contamination and subsequently causing harm to consumers, it may face legal action, including fines and potential closure.

Reputation damage

Cross-contamination incidents can significantly damage the reputation of a food business. News of foodborne illnesses linked to a particular establishment can spread rapidly through social media and reviews, leading to a loss of customer trust. A tarnished reputation may take a considerable amount of time and effort to rebuild, affecting customer loyalty and business sustainability.

Consumer health risks

Certain groups, such as pregnant women, elderly people, and individuals with weakened immune systems, are at higher risk of severe health consequences resulting from cross-contamination. For example, listeria infection, a type of bacterial contamination, can lead to miscarriage in pregnant women. Negligence in preventing cross-contamination not only jeopardises the health of the general population but poses greater risks to vulnerable groups.

Financial impact

Dealing with the aftermath of a cross-contamination incident can have a significant financial impact on a food business. Costs associated with legal battles, compensations, increased insurance premiums, and the need for extensive corrective measures can place a heavy financial burden on the business, potentially leading to financial instability.

Operational disruption

In very serious cases and usually, as part of a broader set of operational issues, discovering cross-contamination issues may call for the temporary closure of a food establishment for thorough cleaning, disinfection, and corrective measures. This operational disruption can result in financial losses, staff inconvenience, and a decline in customer confidence.

How to prevent cross-contamination in food

Preventing cross-contamination is essential in maintaining food safety standards in any professional kitchen or food-handling environment. Comprehensive practices and adherence to guidelines significantly reduce the risk of harmful microorganisms or substances transferring from one source to another. Here are key measures to prevent cross-contamination in your food business.

Ensuring proper food storage is a fundamental step in preventing cross-contamination. Raw and cooked foods should be stored separately in the refrigerator. Raw meats, poultry, and fish must be placed on the bottom shelf to prevent potential drips onto other items. Additionally, utilise airtight containers to seal and separate different food items, preventing the spread of bacteria and odours.

When it comes to utensils, it’s good practice to designate them for specific tasks, however, this doesn’t need to be the case when thorough cleaning practices are maintained. In large businesses, separating utensils can maintain a clear system for all team members. Implement a colour-coded system for utensils, chopping boards, and other tools to easily identify those used for raw and cooked foods. Establish a rigorous cleaning routine for utensils, ensuring they are thoroughly washed after each use to prevent cross-contact between different ingredients.

Maintaining cleanliness in the food preparation area is essential. Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces, especially those in direct contact with food, to eliminate potential contaminants. Immediate disinfection is crucial after surfaces come into contact with raw meat or other potential sources of contamination. Regularly audit cleanliness standards to identify and rectify potential issues promptly.

Hand hygiene is a fundamental preventive measure. Emphasise the importance of thorough hand washing for all individuals handling food. Encourage staff to wash their hands frequently, especially after handling raw ingredients. Provide easily accessible handwashing stations with soap and disposable towels. Consider the use of disposable gloves, changing them regularly to prevent the transfer of contaminants.

Implement safe shopping practices to prevent cross-contamination before reaching the kitchen. Use separate bags for raw meat to avoid bacterial contamination. Regularly replace plastic bags and promptly discard any with meat juice spillages. Ensure that shopping bags designated for raw meat are cleaned and sanitised regularly.

Following food safety regulations is non-negotiable. Adhering to strict guidelines for covering raw and opened food products, keeping them separate from sealed or ready-to-eat items, and storing meat and fish on the bottom shelf of the fridge are crucial practices. 

Education and training are key components. Ensuring all staff members are thoroughly trained in proper food handling techniques, with regular refresher courses, reinforces best practices and addresses emerging issues. Our Level 2 Food Hygiene course provides team members with a foundational understanding of food safety, covering topics such as cross-contamination, personal hygiene, and safe food handling practices. The Level 3 Food Hygiene course, designed for supervisors and managers, offers a more in-depth exploration of these topics, providing the necessary knowledge to implement and oversee robust food safety measures within the establishment.

Monitoring and enforcing hygiene practices are ongoing efforts. Regular audits help identify and rectify potential sources of cross-contamination, and enforcing hygiene procedures can ensure staff are constantly aware to minimise the risk of cross-contamination.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling potential hazards. Develop and implement a HACCP plan tailored to your specific food handling processes. This involves analysing each step of food preparation, identifying critical control points, and establishing procedures to ensure food safety at each stage. Regularly review and update the HACCP plan based on changing circumstances and feedback.

By understanding the risks, adhering to food safety guidelines, and implementing preventive measures, you can contribute to creating a safe and hygienic environment for both your customers and your business. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and prioritise food safety at every stage of your food handling process.

Frequently asked questions

What are the main causes of cross-contamination in food?

The main causes of cross-contamination in food are typically associated with the transfer of harmful microorganisms or substances from one source to another. This can occur through various means, such as when raw meats come into contact with ready-to-eat foods, leading to the transfer of bacteria. Additionally, using the same chopping boards, knives, or utensils for both raw and cooked foods can contribute to cross-contamination. Inadequate hand washing or handling food without proper protection further increases the risk of introducing contaminants.

How do you avoid food cross-contamination?

Avoiding food cross-contamination involves implementing several proactive measures. To prevent bacterial transfer, it is crucial to store raw meats separately from ready-to-eat items. Using separate utensils, chopping boards, and knives for raw and cooked foods helps avoid cross-contact. Regular and thorough handwashing, especially after handling raw ingredients, is a fundamental practice. Considering the use of disposable gloves and changing them regularly adds an extra layer of protection against contamination.

How do you prevent cross-contamination in food storage?

Preventing cross-contamination in food storage requires careful attention to practices. Covering raw and opened food products and storing them separately from sealed or ready-to-eat items is essential. Storing raw meats on the bottom shelf of the fridge helps avoid drips onto other ingredients, and sealing containers securely prevents the spread of bacteria and odours between different food items.

Can cross-contamination occur during delivery?

Yes, cross-contamination can occur during food delivery if proper precautions are not observed. Inadequate temperature control during transportation can lead to bacterial growth, and rough handling or contact with unsanitary surfaces during delivery can introduce contaminants.

Can cross-contamination occur during serving?

Cross-contamination can occur during serving if proper processes are not followed. Using the same serving utensils for different dishes can transfer contaminants, and failing to sufficiently sanitise surfaces between servings can contribute to cross-contamination.

Can cross-contamination occur during cleaning?

Yes, cross-contamination can occur during cleaning if proper hygiene practices are not maintained. The use of cleaning agents that are not food-safe may introduce chemicals into the food preparation area, and leaving residue from cleaning products on surfaces or utensils can contribute to contamination. It is crucial to follow rigorous cleaning procedures to maintain a safe and hygienic food handling environment.

Can cross-contamination cause food poisoning?

Yes, cross-contamination is a common cause of food poisoning. When harmful microorganisms are transferred from contaminated sources to food, consumers are at risk of developing foodborne illnesses with symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to severe cases requiring hospitalisation.

Is cross-contamination dangerous?

Yes, cross-contamination is dangerous as it poses significant risks to public health. It can lead to foodborne illnesses, legal consequences, reputation damage, financial impact, and operational disruption for food establishments.

Is cross-contamination difficult to prevent?

While preventing cross-contamination requires diligence and adherence to proper procedures, it is not inherently difficult. With thorough education, training, and the consistent implementation of food safety measures, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamination and ensure a safe food handling environment.

Treat or Trick?

Make Hallowe’en allergy-safe

October 2021 marked significant changes in food labelling legislation throughout the uK. The introduction of Natasha’s Law, in response to the tragic death of Natasha Ednan-Laprouse, imposed additional labelling requirements onto foods classified as PPDS – pre-packed for direct sale.

One year on, have these changes led to an improved situation for customers? YouGov research suggests that almost two thirds of consumers are still unaware of the stricter rules now followed by food outlets. More significantly, 45% of respondents to the survey said that lack of confidence in food handlers’ allergy awareness prevented them from buying food from certain outlets.

What can we do to improve this situation in our food businesses?

  • Be aware of all relevant food legislation

For instance, do the latest legislative amendments apply to your business? PPDS is food that is produced and packed on site for later sale, so your Hallowe’en range might introduce items such as pre-packed cakes and biscuits, wrapped toffee apples, and sweet cones. Do you know how to label these foods, and how this differs to other food in your range? Take time to understand your legal duties and make sure you’re fulfilling them in your business

  • Take a proactive approach

Don’t wait for a customer to ask you about allergens – ask them first. Some customers, especially younger or less confident ones, may hesitate to ask, even if they know they have a specific allergy. Giving them an opportunity to tell you about allergies increases their confidence in your professional approach to food safety

  • Train your team

Allergens can be a scary subject. Getting it wrong can be fatal, so it’s no wonder some food handlers are not confident about talking to customers about their needs. Help your team out by getting them properly trained – a Level 2 course will give them the fundamental understanding of allergenic ingredients and how to deal with them, as well as equipping them with the skills needed to communicate with customers. Level 3 training is suitable for supervisors required to risk assess their food business, and implement suitable systems, processes and communication methods, to ensure they are both legally compliant AND safe for customers with allergies.

When you understand allergenic ingredients and how to deal with them in your business, it’s not such a spooky subject! Let’s keep everyone safe this Hallowe’en and beyond.

Further Reading

‘One year on from Natasha’s Law consumers are still in the dark about allergy labelling’ – BSI, October 2021

Keep Kids Fed with the Summer Food Scheme

Small food businesses – local cafes, restaurants and pubs – are at the heart of their communities. They understand their customers and provide more than just food and drink: a meeting place, a listening ear, a social routine.

During the pandemic, many local food businesses became a source of help to those in need, and with the school summer holidays looming, they look set to do the same again.

The Safer Food Group offers a package of support to all of those food businesses that offer special deals to families during the summer holidays. We’ve created a set of free marketing materials and a logo, to help you advertise your ‘Summer Food Scheme’ offer to your community. And to help with your business costs, we’d like to offer free Level 2 Food Hygiene Courses* to any company or organisation who puts a Summer Food Scheme in place.

To use our marketing materials – a poster, logo and social media image – click on the images below, download the resources and add your own details. Use them to advertise your scheme online and in your outlet.

And to claim your Level 2 Food Hygiene courses, complete this form, with evidence of your Summer Food Scheme (such as a link to your SM or website, or photos of your advertising). Organisations offering a Summer Food Scheme will be able to claim up to 5 course codes, for Safer Food Group online training courses, to distribute to their teams. Course codes are valid for use within a year.

Don’t forget to use the #SummerFoodScheme when posting on social media – and tag us too, we’d love to follow your stories!

*Free course codes available only as described, 5 courses available per business / organisation. Course codes can be distributed by the applicant to employed staff or volunteers associated with the organisation, allowing them to undertake required learning and exam for Level 2 Food Hygiene award. The Safer Food Group reserve the right to withdraw offer of free codes if applicants appear not to offer a genuine, value added offer in keeping with the Summer Food Scheme principles.

Further information

The Safer Food Group Training

Food Safety Top Tips #5: Safer Foods for little ones

Bright image of banana and bowl of food for a child
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash        

Learning about a range of new foods is great for the development of young bodies and brains but exploring safely should always be first priority.

There are some really well known food safety tips for under 5s, including:

  •               Cut small fruits such as grapes, berries and tomatoes lengthways, then into quarters
  •               Steam or boil firm vegetables like carrots, yams or broccoli
  •               Remove bones from meat and fish
  •               Don’t give whole nuts

But did you know that foods that foods such as bread, jelly and marshmallows could also could create choking hazards? We’ve created the free ‘Guide to Early Years Catering’, for advice about safe foods for little ones, nutrition for under 5s, menu planning and much more

Food Safety Top Tips #4: The 5 second rule

A packet of broken biscuits dropped onto the floor
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Everyone knows the 5 second rule – as long as you pick it up in less than 5 seconds, it’s safe to eat food you’ve dropped on the floor.

Let’s set this one straight – that’s outrageous! Good food hygiene is all about keeping dangerous pathogens out of the food we eat. And however hard we try, no-one’s floor is genuinely so clean you could eat your dinner off it. So, don’t rely on the 5 second rule.

There are lots of great rules you can use in your kitchen though. It’s worthwhile knowing the key facts and figures; and if you work in a commercial kitchen, you’ll need to work these into your HACCP plan.

Some effective rules are:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly for 2 minutes before each new kitchen task
  • Avoid the pathogenic danger zone of 8-60 oC
  • Cook food to 70 oC for at least 2 minutes

For more info, have a look at our Level 2 HACCP course, and learn about setting up a Food Safety Management System for your kitchen

Food Safety Top Tips #3: The Killer in your Kitchen

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

What’s the most deadly tool you use in your kitchen?

Kitchen knife? No

Mandolin? It’s tricky to handle, but no.

The kitchen mixer with the dodgy electrical cable? We don’t recommend using this one – but it’s not as deadly as….

Your mobile phone!

Repeated studies have shown that most mobile phones carry a zoo full of germs, including nasties such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and E.coli. But we scroll without thinking in between cooking tasks, running the risk that we spread these pathogens through our food to the people we cook for.

Ideally, to cut the risk of cross-contamination, keep your mobile phone out of the kitchen, but if that doesn’t work, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly every time you pick it up. To learn more about the hidden dangers lurking in your kitchen, have a look at our Level 2 Food Hygiene Course

Food Safety Top Tips #2: Can I freeze food past the use by date?

Image of frozen berries
Illustrates article by describing safety regarding freezing food
Photo by Devin Rajaram on Unsplash

With rising food costs and threats of supply issues, we’re all becoming increasingly aware of food waste. So making best use of your freezer makes good sense.

But what are the rules on freezing food? What are the deadlines you must stick to in order to keep food safe?

Freezing food prolongs its use by pausing the effects of harmful bacteria – most bacteria cannot be destroyed by the freezing process. Use-by dates indicate food safety; a product that has passed its use-by date could already be unsafe to eat so you cannot freeze food after the use-by date has passed.

When freezing foods, use information on the product label to work out how long it can be frozen. Defrost in the fridge, then cook thoroughly using safe times and temps and eat within 24 hours. Have a look at our Level 2 Food Hygiene course for more info about the rules for cooking safely